About the Author

Sat Prema Das was born in Santiago de Chile in 1953, in a family art prominently. He is the son of the famous Chilean comic actor Sergio Feito.

His entire childhood was spent in a very cheerful ambient, full of humor and from the sounds of musical improvisation, theater and good literature. Along with his three brothers, in their younger years, made ​​advertising films, music and theater.

In 1973, was twenty years old, and his eyes could only see that reigned a materialistic and ignorant lifestyle, but at the ignorance surrounding, there was no alternative than look at yourself in complete solitude conspiracy.

In 1976 he had to leave behind the country, the family sailed for Barcelona. The Fine Arts career was cut short, the military coup and its persecutions totally changed the direction of his life. He always had an overriding interest and growing understanding of life and the essential cause of its mysteries.

Searching inside and out, there was nothing but confidence in himself and in providence. Following archeology clues was a kind of transcendental. It was just enough to search a secondhand bookstore and found extremely profound answers. A book of Socrates gave birth to many internal searches.

The Myth of the Cave
The myth of the cave was an amazing discovery for this real and ethernal truths seeker, and that great philosopher illuminated with his myth brought great answers. This myth, in short, say that all we see are just shadows and live a unique and radiant reality. This version is fully consistent with the vision of the ancient Vedic scriptures and live forever.

The fact of leaving the homeland and breaking social ties was a major change in the process of Sat Prema Das spiritual evolution. Considering a possible future need, in 1977 in Barcelona studying hairdressing ladies. It was a different and enjoyable artistic experience where he was highly qualified, but never came to work at it.While doing hairdressing workshop he still selling the same spiritual and philosophical art.

In 1978, after feeling a strong call of God in his  heart, he kiss of his in order to begin a long journey to the Himalayas, he has read the book "The Razor's Edge", which caused a deep impression on him, so that he was motivated to make a similar journey, trying to find answers about the truth of life.

So since then lived in Hindu monasteries for a period of more than three decades, wanting to try for his self the effects of real and intense practice with abstentions and austerities. Sat Prema Das always keeps in his life these two constants with intensity: Consciousness and Art.

So the year 1982 to 1983, he traveled to Florence, Italy, where he joins a group of spiritual tendency  artist  where he makes illustrations for oriental classics books. In 1985, the mystical and artistic restlessness led him to settle in the district of Mathura, India and joins a group of artists that are aligned Bhakti-Yoga system, which made ​​bronze sculptures.

In 1991 he moved to live in Spain, with the desire to share their treasured experience matured with time and work. Exhibits at the city of Torremolinos a collection of oil paintings and drawings with explanatory talks.

In 1992 makes an exhibition  in the Savings Bank of Málaga. He always accompanies his painting and sculpture with conferences where he share his judgment and understanding of spiritual art. Later that year he was invited to inaugurate the exhibition hall at school Cerrado de Calderón where he  presents novel paintings alluding to the metaphysics of art, and explains the transcendental nature of painting.

He moved to Granada in the year 1992 and participates in an exhibition explanatory conference in the Congress Palace in Granada.
Two types of tasks are important for him, the first is painting, the second is to help and share with people, the way of real happiness.

By the year 1999 continues to seek ways of expression to communicate his idea that man is either changed or destroyed , He creates a character in his painting that represents the new man, who continues to evolve called Sky man.

He had read many times, especially in the Bhagavad Gita, his favorite book, about the importance of finding a genuine teacher, a pure devotee of God. This is like finding a pure big blue diamond. Something really difficult to find out. At  Guita's chapter 4.34 says: " Just try to learn the truth by approaching sipirtual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge on to yo because they have seen the truth".

From 1978 to 2001 he had some teachers, but none had done to him what happened in his life when in 2002 he met Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja. He was a perfect and pure Vaisnava, a pure devotee inconceivable and venerable God. Omniscient and full informed when this event occurred, wept as he had ever done of immense happiness. It is said that the meeting with a pure devotee kill all the miseries of material existence. Srila Narayana Maharaja was the perfect master of the science of bhakti-yoga that he was looking for.

Swami Srila Narayana Maharaja Bhaktivenda came from a line of great and empowered teachers, from a line of superior knowledge. It is from there that really begins the most wonderful stage of a long journey. This divine teacher, not only gave wonderful teachings, also occupied in devotional art and illustrate some of his wonderful books. His instruction to him was through art that could serve God.

Since then, in 2002, to date in 2012, continues its activities with internal and external exhibitions, conferences and working groups, in this blog we will make  an artwork compendium so we hope you enjoy it and find it useful .

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